Real-time lead generation
A Fundpath Talk To Me About (TTMA) represents the
strongest request to fulfil a current investment requirement.
A Fundpath Don’t Talk To Me About (DTTMA) ensures no time is wasted.

Perpetually updated market intelligence
The Fundpath Knowledge Bank provides asset managers with the industry’s most accurate data source.
Understand everything from asset class specialisms and decision
makers to fund selection parameters and allocation intentions.

Know your market’s future intentions
Real-time, forward-looking asset allocation data to define and power distribution strategies and focus fund decisions.
Leading technology and dynamic data
tracks real-time industry changes
relevant to your market.
Know who the designated
gatekeepers are in the fund approval process.
Better understand individuals’ primary
roles across the industry.
Find individuals that have significant
fund selection or third party investment responsibility.
See platform partners used by
Fundpath researches which fund
structures a company uses in its portfolios.
Understand typical fund selection
parameters and instances where deviation is possible across track record, new funds and seeding.
Find individuals who sit on relevant
internal, specialised committees.
Access the industry’s most up to date
and accurate data set.
Differentiate between companies
more accurately by understanding the main focus of a firm’s activities.
What our clients say
The information finds you

It sits in your pocket

Your daily timeline

Specific to you

Intuitive interface

Other Services

The industry understood. Unparalleled audience curation, future trend analysis, real-time buyer requirements and data export.
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